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Key Features

Open 365 Days
We are open 365 days a year with unlimited access to your safe deposit box during our opening hours.
State of The Art Security
We use cutting-edge, highly advanced security systems. Our vaults are protected with 24/7 monitored security.
High Strength Safe Deposit Boxes
Our safe deposit boxes are made of high–strength metal and monitored by CCTV systems.
Privacy Promise + Private Viewing Room
Clients have access to our private viewing room with no CCTV camera, ensuring utmost privacy and discretion.
A Tried & Tested Underground Vault Since 1928
Our underground vault is of the highest grade and has been in use since 1928.
Your valuables will be stored in one of the most secure (insurance-approved) underground vaults with an unblemished record for almost 100 years.
24/7 - 365 Days Surveillance
Our premises are monitored 24/7 externally by a national and well-respected security company.
Cutting-edge CCTV in operation 24/7.
Convenient Parking
Ample parking right outside our centre with CCTV cameras surveying the car park at all times.
Quick Account Opening Application Process
Our application process is quick and simple. Pop into our centre to open an account and add an additional account holder at a later date.
Biometric Identification
We use the latest facial recognition and fingerprint technology for quick but highly secure access.
Insure Upto £500,000 “all-risk” Insurance Per Box
Sentinel Vaults have been rated among the most secure centre in the UK. This high rating allows up to £500,000 valuables cover, per box, with the first £10,000 free. Your valuables are covered and protected from any risk.
Historical Bank Building
We are situated in a historic bank building, previously used by NATWEST Bank plc, so customers can be assured our security is of the highest order.
Immediate Police Response Alarm
Our grade 4 alarm system is insurance-approved and has a better grading than a bank alarm system. Our alarm system is armed with seismic shock sensors and many more hidden layers of security, including invisible laser beams, to give you that extra piece of mind.
FCA Regulated
We are registered and regulated with the Financial Conduct Authority
SDA Accredited
We are one of the few centres in the country who are fully accredited and certified members of the Safe Deposit Association SDA WEBSITE
ICO (Information Commissioner's Office)
We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and keep all our client's private data fully protected.
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Website Design by Swifty Web Agency
Financial Conduct Authority Number 973318
Information Commissioner’s Office ZB324346